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MATTHEW 4:19-20


Matthew 4:19-20 - “Follow me,” he told them, “and I will make you fish for people.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him.


The call to follow Jesus is Urgent! These disciples were professional fisherman, working their craft when they received the call to follow Jesus. Their call was to leave what they knew behind. This meant to leave their livelihood, their security and to trust Jesus with all of their provisions. Make special note of the word, “Immediately.” They didn’t delay, they didn’t seek counsel, they didn’t deliberate with one another, but rather they left their livelihood right there on the spot to follow Jesus.

The call to follow Jesus is a call to surrender to Him. However, everyone doesn’t receive the same type of mission. These disciples were called to trade-in their lives of fishing for fish to fishing for men and women. They were called to formal ministry. The lesson we learn is that when Jesus calls us to follow Him, there should be no delay. And whatever or wherever He is calling us to serve him there should be no hesitation. Why? Because the call to follow Jesus is a call to trust Him to provide all we need in this life and the life to come. When we answer the call of Jesus, we lose nothing but gain everything!

Self- Reflection: Is Jesus calling you to follow Him? Why do some think we lose something to follow Jesus?

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